Friday, November 18, 2011

Ghost Hunting Event

Okay guys, hopefully you guys will be prepared for tomorrow's event. Here some rules that will be followed when going in the maze:

  1. Everyone will be provided with a gun box on arrival.
  2. Everyone is free to select a gun to wear and follow instructions for that specific gun which is stated in local chat.
  3. Wear the gun and go into Mouselook to use the gun (press esc, then m)
  4. Once in Mouselook mode, click your mouse to shoot and move the mouse and arrow keys to control your avatar.
  5. Please, do not fly or jump when in Mouselook mode.
  6. Now you're all set to go through the maze.
Please click here to go to the location where the maze is located.

Here's our survey when you're done with our maze: